
Chemistry and radiative shielding in star-forming galactic discs
Safranek-Shrader, C., Krumholz, M., Chang-Goo, K., Ostriker, E., Klein, R., Li, S., McKee, C., & Stone, J.
2017, MNRAS, 465, 885

Towards ab initio extremely metal-poor stars
Ritter, J., Safranek-Shrader, C., Milosavljevic, M., Bromm, V.
2016, MNRAS, 463, 3354

Abundance anomalies in metal-poor stars from Population III supernova ejecta hydrodynamics
Sluder, A., Ritter, J., Safranek-Shrader, C., Milosavljevic, M., Bromm, V.
2016, MNRAS, 456, 1410

Star formation in the first galaxies - III. Formation, evolution, and characteristics of the first stellar cluster
Safranek-Shrader, C., Montgomery, M., Milosavljevic, M., Bromm, V.
2016, MNRAS, 455, 3288

Star Formation for Predictive Primordial Galaxy Formation
Milosavljevic, M. & Safranek-Shrader, C.
2016, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 423, 65

Primordial star clusters at extreme magnification
Zackrisson, E., Gonazlez, J., Eriksson, S., Asadi, S., Safranek-Shrader, C., Trenti, M., & Inoue, A.
2015, MNRAS, 449, 3057

The Lyman-Alpha signature of the first galaxies
Smith, A., Safranek-Shrader, C., Bromm, V., & Milosavljevic M.
2015, MNRAS, 449, 4336

Metal Transport and Chemical Heterogeneity in Early Star Forming Systems
Ritter, J. S., Sluder, A., Safranek-Shrader, C., Milosavljevic M., & Bromm, V.
2015, MNRAS, 451, 1190

Formation of the First Low-Mass Stars from Cosmological Initial Conditions
Safranek-Shrader, C., Milosavljevic M., & Bromm, V.
2014, MNRAS, 440, L76

Star Formation in the First Galaxies - II. Clustered Star Formation and the Influence of Metal Line Cooling
Safranek-Shrader, C., Milosavljevic M., & Bromm, V.
2014, MNRAS, 438, 1669

Star Formation in the First Galaxies - I. Collapse Delayed by Lyman-Werner Radiation
Safranek-Shrader, C., Agarwal, M., Federrath, C., Dubey, A., Milosavljevic M., & Bromm, V.
2012, MNRAS, 426, 1159

Confined Population III Enrichment and the Prospects for Prompt Second-Generation Star Formation
Ritter, J. S., Safranek-Shrader, C., Gnat, O., Milosavljevic, M., & Bromm, V.
2012, ApJ, 761, 56

Fragmentation in The First Galaxies
Safranek-Shrader, C., Bromm, V., & Milosavljevic, M.
2010, ApJ, 723, 1568